Special Services

You may like to contact us about a Funeral, Weddings or Baptism  at St Stephen’s.


Our ministry staff are very happy to visit the dying to explain Christian faith; to help them be reconciled to God through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and to pray with them and their loved ones.

St Stephen’s will conduct a funeral service for any member of the community using the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia. Please have your Funeral Director contact our Senior Minister to discuss arrangements.

Holy Matrimony

We would love to talk to you about arranging a Christian wedding ceremony at St Stephen’s. Weddings at St Stephen’s are conducted according to the rites for Holy Matrimony of the Anglican Church of Australia, and we require couples intending to wed to participate in a program of marriage preparation, with a recognized marriage counselling organization such as Lifeworks.

The ‘Notice of Intended Marriage Form’ needs to be completed and given to the minister at least 1 month and 1 day before the wedding day, otherwise you need to go to court to get permission to be married. Please contact our Senior Minister to make arrangements.


St Stephen’s baptizes members who come to faith in Jesus Christ as a sign of their new relationship with Him. We baptize adults on profession of their personal faith in Christ; children who are able to make a profession of faith for themselves; and the infant children of active church members who have been regularly attending St Stephen’s for more than six months.

Baptisms are conducted within one of our usual Sunday services. Please talk to a member of the ministry team if you wish to be baptized.

Service Fees

The Minister’s fee for conducting a Funeral or Wedding is $400.

The cost of venue hire for conducting a service at St Stephen’s is an additional $200.

[These fees can be waived as necessary.]

There are no fees for Baptism.